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Resilience Workshop

Resilience: How to Recover Quickly from Difficult Situations

Flowers growing in mud depicting resilience

Are you able to recover from difficult situations that can affect your life? Situations like a divorce, a life-threatening illness, or the death of a loved one.

What about challenges in the office? Do you have resilience to recover from difficult situations like organisational changes, office political conflicts, or losing your job?

Many studies show that people with resilience recover faster from difficult situations than those with less resilience.

Learn at this workshop how to build Resilience skills that will help you recover quickly from difficult situations. These skills include managing your thoughts and emotions, using positive emotions and character strengths, and building better relationships.

How you will benefit

By the end of the workshop, you will:

What you will learn

The workshop will cover:

Who should attend

Managers, executives and business profesisonals who want to build up their resilience skills so that they can steer through difficult situations and reach out for new challenges confidently.

What participants say about the workshop

"Glad I came to this workshop. It was more useful than I thought. Now I can start bulding up my resilience." Admin Manager, Stat Board

"The workshop was informative. The trainer was knowledgeable, gave good examples and shared his experiences." Manager, Polytechnic

"Good workshop. I find the course inspiring with many tools that I can share with my clients." Supervisor, Insurance Agency

To attend the workshop

To attend a public workshop, please contact us for workshop details.

For in-house workshop, please contact us for more information.